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Water Bowls

20 9:39:21

3 days ago we brought home an 8 Wk Choc Lab.  He sleeps in the laundry room  and we have a water bowl in the laundry room where he sleeps, but everytime we leave him he empties his bowl and drags it onto his bed.  we changed the bowl from a stainless steel to a heavy ceramic but he is still doing it.  We do not tell him off just clean it up and ignore it.  Why would he start to do this?

Thank you

Hi Sarah,

If you haven't had a Lab before - your'e in for a time of your life ! They are just adorable !

Some ground rules:

- Labs do not like to stay alone. They need company. So don't let your lab sleep alone. Especially till he isn't at least 4 months old.

- He takes solace in something like a rug, a scarf or even a bowl. So he brings it to his sleeping area. Get him some soft toys that he can get comfortable with.

There is nothing to worry about - he's just taking his toy to bed that's all.
