Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > LAB CROSS - BITING AND AGGRESSION


20 9:39:02

We have an 11month old labrador cross plott hound.  He is a good dog and quite well trained but can be disobedient unless a treat is involved.  He has been castrated approx 3 months ago so we have cut his food portions down as he started gaining weight.  Yesterday while my son was taking him a walk he picked up an old chewed rag, my son told him to leave it and he ignored him so my son attempted to take it from him (there have been no problems in doing this before) & the dog bit him on the hand.  We increased his food again from today & during his 2nd meal I walked near him and he growled at me, after finishing his meal he went under the table and when I told him to come to get him to come from under he ignored me so I went to get him out and again he began growling and barking (not playful but aggressive).  He is normally a friendly dog but can get carried away when he wants to play and will mouth but never aggressivly.  Can you help us to stop this as we do not want to get rid of him but we are finding it hard to trust him?

Hi Gillian,

Since your dog is a cross - there are bound to be traits of the more aggressive breed - the hound. A pedigree lab will never behave this way unless hurt or ill.

Neutering a male sometimes has such issues. They have mood swings and tend to be overly aggressive.

Remember a golden rule - your dog is an animal. He'll give you signs that he is upset or angry. Learn to read them and do not cross your limits. He too has his own and he'll defend himself.

The best is to maintain your distance from him for a few days. Give him time and he'll be all right.
