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Should we buy a black lab?

20 9:45:58

Hi, we have a Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix, what are the behavior patterns of a black lab, and should we get one?

That depends....why did you get such a small dog to begin with? do you not enjoy walking the dog? ar you unable to give long walks and fetch games to a labrador reteriever? were you concerned about loud barking or were your fences shorter then 5 feet high? A labrador retreiver need 5 foot fences, training perferibly by a perfesinal for commanads and future barking if the dog is left outdoors alone and bored, Labs love to walk/jog and run and need an active owner who enjoys doing these things also. Labs dont like to be excluded fro family activities and perfer to be cuddling there family then stuck outdoors for hours on end. They are great with kids/dogs/cats/birds every pet I've had in my house my lab has taken to easily I can sit my lovebird on her back she doesnt bother to otice until he slips off her shiny fur then she will lick him! She will lick my neices until they fall over and they can sit on the floor and pet her accidently pulling her fur she just groans turns and licks them. Checking my profile you should see I have a 3 year old spayed female labrador retereiver, a 2 year old male neutered jack russell terrier and a femlae almost 1 year old spayed boston terrier all get along very well... I persoanly choose more robost breeds to keep my lab and me company because I didnt want her running into or over them and hurting them during rough play like I kenw she would and does but terreirs are tought little dogs and they get along great....this doenst mean a lab wont work for you but do understand the lab will want to play with your dog if its too small it could be badly injured non intencinaly...a labrador reteriver really wants to have playmates he can play with without breaking so for this reason you might consider a smaller breed thou please note my labrador retereiver is gentle with my terriers even whn they are not and I have considered getting a chihuahua in the past but thought better of it as I do perfer slightly tougher dogs. Something a bit smaller might be better but a full bred lab my fit perfectly if the other dog is willing to play. Also please note Black labs, Chocolate labs, Yellow labs, white labs, silver labs, silver factor labs, red fox labs are ALL Labrador Retereivers  theres no need to list the dogs color as in saying its a type of lab its not all labs are labs just they come in assorted colors.

For instance  a chihuahua commonly is tan colored but somes in black/white/beige/white/brown/brindle/black/white/rotty colored-marked.