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Sleeping through the night

20 9:33:36

We have a 7-month old black female spayed lab. We take her for a long walk or slow jog around 6:30pm, feed her at 8pm, let her run around in the back yard and do her business until 9pm, and then put her in her crate overnight. We put the kitchen exhaust fan on so there is white noise and we give her a chew toy. After all of this, she still whines and barks on/off between the hours of 2:30am and 5am. We've tried letting her whine/bark until she tires herself out. This works only intermittently so some nights she'll be fussy and other nights sleep through until 5am. We've also tried waiting until she was in between barks to come downstairs and let her out to relieve herself. This quiets her immediately. However, we know for sure she can hold it for 8+ hours. Do you have any advice on getting her to sleep through the night? Isn't she old enough now that we should be able to have a quiet household at night? I feel like there must be another option besides getting up at 2am or 3am every night so she can go to the bathroom outside when we know she can hold it for another few hours until it's breakfast time.

Try more exercise just before bed time.  Also, look through your house for anything on a timer that could be waking her at that hour.  We once had a plant light that was waking our puppy at 5 AM.  

You aren't leaving water for her?  I never thought anybody would until I started getting abused on one site for not.  It is dominated by one crazy old women.