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lab retriver heat!!!

20 9:47:05

i have a labbrador retriever who had her first heat at 6 months,, now shes 2 weeks from her 7th month birthday and shes haveing a dischrched that spells bad but is first i thought she was peeing in the house but she hasnt..its a stromg musky smell almost like shes leaking but fluid is clear and smells bad...does anyone have an idea ?is it a second heat or a infection?please email me at with advice ill get it faster that way..thank you...

Hello Bruce and thank you for your question, This isnt a heat cycle the heat cycle lasts only two weeks goes from blood red to clear in that time. It almost sounds like her anal scent glands are leaking.... they might be impacted. Call your locle vet and discrube whats happening what it smells like and how much of it there is and they will be able to teel you if its her anal scent glands which case the fluid would be coming from her...anus. The vet would be able to unblock them or drain them for her.