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Lab puppy injured paw

20 9:48:03

My 13 week old lab puppy was playing, when apparently a girl stepped on her paw. She seemed fine afterward, but the next day - again while playing, the paw became sore again. Since then she has been limping on and off - not the whole time. She doesn't whimper, only lifts the paw while sitting and walking. There is no swelling or discoloration of the skin. Is it necessaty to take her to a vet, or will the injury heal itself in time?

Hello Carien and thank you for your question,

I am not sure what to tell you because I am Not a vet and my reply is never to replace a visit with your vetrenerian. Depending on how big the girl was who walked on her paw counts, a 4 year old is quite lighter then a 13 year old and therefore the heavier would have caused more trama to her paw, A vet visit is a good idea but they will likely do an xray if they feel anything abnormal about the paw, thou it could just be her paw is sore from being stepped on as if someone walked on your hand while you were nelt down you would feel it the next day if they had put much presser on it.

Sorry I couldnt be of more help but as i said I am not a vetrenerian.