Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > smell


20 9:35:38

mt chocolate lab is about 17 months old we have had him for 3 weeks ive given him 2 baths so far but he still smells like wet dog coould you give advice about how to make that stop.

Bad smells can be attributed to several things:

1) the dog is not doing well on the food it is eating.  You might want to try a better quality food if possible.

2) have you checked the ears?  Sometimes you can have yeasty ears and the whole dog will smell funky.

3) have you checked anal glands?  Some dogs have problems expressing their anal glands naturally.  This is sometimes due to feeding a poor quality food, sometimes it just happens.  

4) excessive bathing and stripping the natural oils from the dog's coat can contribute to odor problems.  

My best recommendation is to take the dog to the vet when he is his smelliest so that the vet can help you find out the cause.  If you got the dog from a rescue, it might just be a lingering odor, it's not like you have had him that long.  You might want to make sure you brush daily.  I wouldn't shampoo, but you can hose off with cold clean water.