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giving up a puppy

20 9:48:54

I have a 5-month old purebred lab puppy that I bought when she was six weeks old. I am beginning to wonder if I am being fair to her or to myself in keeping her. I have little energy at the end of the day or even during the day to watch her and train her all day long and she spends about eight hours a day either outside by herself or in her crate (not eight hours all at once, but in blocks). I am wondering if it would be best to give her up. This is a very difficult decision as I have grown very attached to her. I was wondering what you thought.  

Young puppies are very appealing.  Too many people buy one on impulse and find they take much more time, work, and money than they ever dreamed.  It is very difficult to give a dog proper care.  If you are going to give her up, the sooner the better.  A new home will be traumatic for her, but the younger the dog, the easier they adjust.  If you have any trouble finding a home she will be happy in, try to find a Lab Rescue.  People that love the breed will take an unwanted dog into a foster home to be retrained as necessary and placed in the right home for them.  You may find a Lab rescue near you starting at

If you place the dog yourself, be sure to let them know about this site so I can give them any help they need.