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Normal Labrador Puppy Size

20 9:32:52

I have an 11 week old Lab puppy. The vet seems to think that he may have dwarfism. (but doesn't seem too sure). I am not convinced as he seems to look pretty normal to me. He is just over 10 kilos in weight(22 pounds). front paw length from point of shoulder to foot 23cm (9inchs) Hind leg from hip to toe 30 cm (12 inchs).  

This is a little hard to say since Labs vary greatly in size. Our one year old barely reaches the breed standard of 55 cm at the shoulder.  She is smaller than many other Labs I see.  Do you know how large his parents were?  If they are the common 60-65 cm Labs, there could be problem.  While weight more common to talk about, it is badly distorted by the common overweight problems.  There are too many 40 kg Labs that should be 30-35 kg ones.  You may want to look at  It shows that your Lab is actually above average weight for 11 weeks.  

That could be due to being overweight.  Did the vet comment on his body condition?  You should be feeding a puppy chow now. Switching to an adult chow for the larger breeds at 4 months, slows growth and helps develop sturdier joints.

Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different. Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,