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7 week old chocolate lab

20 9:46:19

I just acquired a 7 week old chocolate lab. It has been a while since i owned a dog, well i was a kid actually. I have been doing a lot of research on the dog on raising him. By the way his name is buddy. I need to know the best way to discipline him if he bites the fingers. I have been taping the snout(not so hard it hurts him) just enough to get his attention. Is this an appropriate way to discipline him?

Thank you for your help.

Hello Cris and congradulations on your new best friend 'Buddy'.

I use this method for puppies...its worked for three puppies now a labrador retereiver, a jack russell terrier and a boston terrier. When the puppy starts nipping your fingers say No push the puppy away place a proper toy infront of him or beter yet pass it to him...if he is being really bad and very bitey and hyper push him back say no and get up and walk away you do not want to play with a biting puppy but distract or ignore him when it is really bad...they grow outof this in a few months anyway but you do want to try the steps above to pervent it not stopping later on which woul be a major problem. Also never make teh dog bite your fingers...if yuor going to palywith him use a toy and frail it around for him to grab...they wigle it around as if yuor taking if from him..puppies seem to love this. Best of luck with Buddy.