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feeding a lab

20 9:46:33

Thank you for your answer.I will discontinue bread and eggs..I would also like to know how can I make her grow tall?
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Hello expert,
My sweetheart, Misty, is 60 days old and she is a lab.What is the best way to keep her healthy, I mean what can I feed her..can I give dry pedigree for pups?right now i give her bread with milk and 8-10 pillets of pedigree soaked in add, egg  mixed pedigree and wheat bread once a day..I am afraid she will stop liking this food and loose appetitte..
I think you already asked mostly the same question.  My answer is still mostly the same.  Forget the bread and egg.  The Pedigree puppy chow is likely as good as anything else, stick to it.  Don't worry about her eating it.  Most Labs will eat more of what ever you feed them than is good for them and look for more.  Even some of the notorious picky eater breeds such as the Shepherds usually will eat enough to keep themselves in good shape.  if you cut out the bread and egg, and she skips a meal or 2, don't worry about it.  I had a Shepherd pup go 3 days on a few nibbles once, and she did fine.  I was a wreck.

Once the parents are selected, there is very little you can do about how tall a puppy will get.  That also largely determines sturdy joints, but a careful feeding program can help develop a sturdier dog.  There are 3 things to do.  Feed a complete and balanced diet.  Easy enough, just stick to the Pedigree and little else.  Keep the dog lean, see  Switch to a less rich adult chow at 4 months to slow growth.  the dog will still get just a stall, but only after its joints ae ready to support an adult body.  Either switch to the adult version of the puppy chow, or another similar adult chow.