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licking forepaws

20 9:48:31

we have 2 choc lab 3yo, bro and sis.  the female is hyper and very active.  she has licked her forepaws to the point where she has raw spots on each of them.  we have tried a vet prescribed antibiotic and self prescribed benadryl both to no avail.  any suggestions  

This is a frequent, but difficult problem.  The antibiotics will not help the problem, just prevent infections.  If the problem was an itch from allergies, the Benadryl should have helped some.  This is one of the few self medications that should ever be used.  

Many times, the answer is boredom.  Has she been spayed?  That could reduce some of her nervous energy.  You would think with a brother to play with, she would have a stimulating life.  You could try spending more time with her, tiring her out with fetch, Frisbee, etc.  Note, Nylabone makes a very sturdy Frisbee.