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Is this normal for a 9wk pup

20 9:43:42

Hi, i have had my 9wk lab mix for about a week and she doesn't seem like she has too much energy or to excited for life. She sleeps lot runs around alil and then goes back to sleep. She is wagging her tail but she doesn't come to me when i call for her. She looks and goes back to sleep
Also she would rather be outside during the time shes woke. How long should we be outside or how long should she be in our arms being handled?

Hello, Young pups sleep alot at that age my boston terrier was awake long enough to eat/drink potty run around for a fwe minutes and go to sleep in my arms lol...after your pup is 12+ weeks she will be awake much longer and soon not be napping at all during the day. Hold her while you can dpending on what she crossed with you wont likely be able to carry her for much longer. Hold her and pet her as long as you'd like but remember she needs exercise while shes up so let her run around eat/drink and potty as well but you can not really over handle a dog.