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Labrador paws

20 9:35:01

I have a black male Labrador ~3 years old.  He has cyst/knots that have just appeared in the last 3 weeks between his toes.  Any idea what it might be or what has caused it?  They do not bother him, he still runs hard & jumps high playing ball.  They don't appear to be infected, not trying to bust, but they do foam when I put peroxide on them.

If they are dry and not bothering the dog, it just could be something called a histiocytoma, and that will go away on it's own.  

If it's anything like the problem we are experiencing this summer, the dog could have bacterial infections in the glands in the webbing of his feet.  We have a native grass in our yard that has these horrible grass burrs.  I have 3 dogs with infections.  Sometimes the cysts don't seem bad, some will break open.  Some just look like plain old bumps on the skin.  I have one dog that went from nothing to chewing a large sore on her foot.

You may want to visit the vet and see if antibiotics will get rid of them.