Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > my 14 year old labrador is having trouble walking

my 14 year old labrador is having trouble walking

20 9:41:06

Lately my 14 year old female yellow lab has been having trouble walking.For instance whenever I let her outside she stumbles down the stairs and the other day when I tried to take her out for her walk she kept falling over (her legs would just give out beneath her). now this is occurring even when she tries to stand up.What might be the cause of this? and what should i do?

Hip displyasia is common in Labrador retrievers and other large breeds...I highly recommend you see a vet for the best course of treatment since she is 14 years of age surgery might not be the best option...they will need to do X-rays on her hips and will inform you of the best thing to do for or pain meds.