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eating feces

20 9:47:03

I have a 3 yr old Black Lab that lives in the house with us.  My Husband has noticed that when they are outside together my Lab has been eating his own feces. He has threatened to leave the dog out side if he see's it again. (Divorce time)
Any ideas? He has food alvailable all day and gets plenty of treats so he is not hungry.  

There are 2 plans of attack for the problem.  It is common with puppies.  I usually work at cleaning them up before the dog gets to it.  The other method is to add things to the food to make the feces less appealing.  Home remedies include pineapple juice and canned pumpkin.  Canned pumpkin is also useful for filling up an over weight dog.  The most common commercial products are Forbid and Deter.  

Most Labs will eat themselves to an early grave if they always have food available.  Check this link, and see if you need to put him on a diet,