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Lab/shepherd mix itching problem

20 9:46:32

My 9 month old lab/shepherd mix chews and chews on herself, sometimes when she is licking or chewing by her anal region she emits an awful odor. What causes this and how can I stop it? It is very annoying listening to her chew and the smell is unbearable!!!

Sounds like anal gland problems.  Likely you should start with a vet check and have them emptied.  It tends to be an ongoing problem.  If they need emptied too often, you may check with having a groomer do it, or even learn how to your self.  In some cases, it is best to have them removed.  

Otherwise, make sure most of her calories come from a commercial chow, brush her regularly, and avoid skin drying baths as much as possible.  My one Lab hasn't had a bath in the 3 years she has lived with us.