Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > Labrador plays too rough and is always laying down

Labrador plays too rough and is always laying down

20 9:38:54

Hi, I have a 9 week old puppy, it is way too lazy! it never wants to go on walks it just lays there, and evrytime it plays it either bites my shoes or tries to bite my hands. Also, everytime i call it, it just ignores me and it never follows me. any advice?

Hi Jayro,

Your 9 week pupppy is too young to show the signs of active playing. Even his bones wouldnt be strong enough. Give him a few days - he'll begin to become active.

However, on the other side, i would recommend a brief visit to your VET, just to check up on his muscles and bones. I am not sure if there is anything wrong - but sometimes weight can also be an issue.

Does he run around the house? How often have you seen him standing on all fours. Does he sleep more than 16 hours a day?

Maybe if you send me his pic - i could suggest if he's overweight or not. Send it to
