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dog constipation

20 9:35:42

what do you do when a dog is pooping out liquids and how do you treat this

Usually you need to identify the cause and correct it.  The most common cause is internal parasites.  Take a stool sample to the vet.  

Sometimes the dog has foraged something indigestible, and it goes away in a day or 2.  If not, try this out of the manual I have from a large, knowledgeable dog guide school.

Bland recovery diet for dogs.

3 parts cooked rice, one part boiled hamburger or chicken, or cottage cheese. I think you can substitute boiled potatoes for the rice. Once in an emergency, we bought a plain baked potato from Wendy's.

This is meant for short time settling a dog's digestive tract. It is not the complete and balanced diet they need long term. I have seen it work.  

It also will help identify problems with the food the dog is eating.  I don't see food problems nearly as common as many do.  A couple of food related problems are sudden switches of diet and over feeding.  

Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different. Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,

Feeding canned pumpkin, not pie filling, can firm up a dog, but if you don't find and fix the cause, it will begin again.