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lab attacks my other lab

20 9:37:17


Hunter And Brooke
Ok..I have a 3 year old black lab, And we got another yellow lab that is now 1.2 years .The black lab is an English female, the yellow is a bull American lab. The 2 love each other, in the house they play normal like every other lab. He is not fixed, the female is spayed. My problem is when they go outside the yellow play really hard. His is like attacking her, nipping her legs, bitting her collar, even want to shake it, back and forth. Female runs and he is right there. This happens for about 5 min or so, then he tires and stops.I have trained him very well on a lead, he heals great. He it a hunting dog, listens well and obeys. I just don't know what to do? Help

Thank you,
Boyd Aldrich

The playing is normal, although it may be a bit too rough for your liking.  You may want to consider neutering him so that he's not that interested in girls anymore.  

You may also want to practice your training in yard and correct him when he is too rough with your girl.  He should be able to learn that rough-housing is not a desirable behavior.