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4 yr old yellow lab attacking

20 9:34:24

Jen,  We have a spayed 4 yr old yellow lab that has nipped our 4 yr old granddaughter last year when she went to give her a hug. Just last week our 2 yr old granddaughter was in our labs face to say goodbye and our lab attacked her biting her on the face, chin and hand. Our lab was not letting up if it weren't for her mother pulling our lab off our granddaughter. Our lab has also gotten into our Dachshund also and doesn't get along with any other dogs.  She's been to obedience school 4 times. She's always been aggressive to other animals from day one. We've had her since she was 8 weeks old. Is this normal for Loving labs. She's fine with adults, but kids she tolerates unless she's cornered or hugged then the aggression begins. Is there a corrective procedure for this behavior or is this her real personality now that she's 4 yrs old? We'd love to keep her but the granddaughters safety comes first. Help please.  Thanks for your reply  John and Elaine

You don't need obedience school, you need to find a behaviorist that can work with you to see what's wrong with the dog.  It's either a health issue that's hidden or else a temperament issue.  I would see a vet and do a full work up to make sure NOTHING is wrong.  Then I would see if you can find someone who specialized in dog behavior.  Plain old training won't fix this.

Sorry to hear this is happening.