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7 month old lab puppy lunging/biting

20 9:34:25

Hi Jen,
We have an male english lab puppy who will be 7 months old on Dec.19.  We have had 4 instances when, after a 30 min. walk in the evening he comes back into the house and goes to get the tv remote, books, and/or the couch pillows.  When we take the objects from him or move him off the couch, he will then lunge at our pants legs and when we say "no" he will then escalate, repeatedly lunging and biting or trying to bite.  We have started keeping him off the furniture, he is already in advanced obedience and doing really well.  He takes morning walks and is fine.  We just had him neutered last week.  We have done only positive training  methods with him. however my husband is getting frustrated and thinks we should use more cesar milan type methods.  We have 2 kids.  This is our 2nd dog but our first lab.  Do you have any thoughts or suggestions.  I question whether this is aggression or whether we should keep him


That's the age that they need to be supervised again.  I bet he's getting into stuff when no one is supervising him, Right?  This is when you need to revert back to basic obedience like he was a little puppy.  Be consistent, don't let him get away with anything.  Nothing wrong with using Cesar Milan methods.  That will most likely be the best course of action.

Trust me, my 2 boys got in the WORST trouble at that age because they had been good and now they reverted back to bratty teens.