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Depressed Lab

20 9:47:44

I had asked a question about food and feeding and was satisfied with the answer and I just wanted to ask another question.

I am gone 9-10hrs 5 days a week for work and my roomate has noticed *when I am not home* that my lab seems depressed. She will NOT eat or drink, she will lay ON my bed, and the only way she will go outside to use the bathroom is if he uses treats to *coax* her out. My lab and I have been through some stressful situations in the past 6 months *she witnessed my soon to be ex husband beat me violantly* and I have since moved out of the home in which she was raised and taken her away from my ex husbands dog, with whom she bonded with, but it just gets worse day by day. She has a lot of toys to keep her occupied and I spend as much time as I can with her when I am home and I am now taking her with me to places I go to when I am off of work. Also, she refuses to be left alone outside. I can't even leave her outside if I am inside cleaning or just relaxing. Is there anything I can do that won't break the bank IE a trainer or doggy therapist?

Dogs have trouble coping with human life.  It is possible that by leaving an unsuitable relationship your stress level is going down, but it still affects the dog.  Dogs don't deal with change very well either.  Still, some positive experience might help.  Do you have a dog park in your area?  visits there would relax you both and allow him a chance to play with other dogs.  I see a lot of dogs that don't get to spend much time with other dogs, and they are usually very excited to have a chance to be with other dogs.  If no dog park, can you spend time with friends or family and let your dogs play together?