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labs and chis getting along

20 9:47:30

We have 3 dogs. Two long haired chis betwwen 3-4 lb each. We have a golden lab 8 mn old. The shis are 15 yr. old and a 7yr. old. We would like to have them get  along. Most of the time the 7 yr. old will growl at the golden if he gets too close to her. We are always there with them while they are together. We usually put the chis on the couch with us and one of us will play games with the golden. We would like to see them all play together but afraid they may hurt each other due to the diff. in size. Please give us some suggestions. thanks eagerly waiting , Marcia.

Hello Marcia and thank you for your question,

You've got a nice pack ther havent you lol, I am hoping for my first chihuahua by Christmas to add to my pack of larger dogs as well. The best thing is to have the labrador reteriver trained and be able to control him properly, He is at high risk of just tripping over the little dogs.... but chihuahuas are fairly good at staying away from shuffling feet.... my sister has a 3 pound male and he skittles around and has yet to even come in contact with a Human foot. The lab is going to want to play with the other dogs its inavertible he will poke and prode and may get himself bitten by the little dogs trying to play with them, Just be sure you don't give the little dogs a reason to be jelus and pay attention to all of them. Be sure also that if the lab is getting rambunsue and running around hthat he dosesnt run over the smaller dogs, If he is being really picky with them at times tell him no and crate him or put him outside for 5 minutes, you can distract him sometimes if he just wont quit it by giving him a large rawhide or beef knuckle to chew on. If the little dogs are being bugger to him..... passing by snapping that sort of thing tell them no and crate them or put them in another room for 5 minutes, time outs seem to work wonders with dogs. If you offer multiple rawhides or anything even to just one dog be there to watch them until there done with it or they can get into fights over the tinyest treat(mine have had a few close calls..... Femnale Black labrador rtereiver 3 years, male jack russell terrier 2 years and female boston terreir 4 months). I hope this helps you out even in the slightest if you need help with anything else I'd be happy to try help you ouut.