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8 months old female lab-1st heat

20 9:38:42

Hi! I have an 8 months old labrador retriever female named Sasha. What are the signs that her first heat is approaching? Please let me know about nay and all signs possible. Also, does she require more affection or anything emotionally or physically before / during her first heat & subsequent heats.
Please give me all the information you have on first heat as i am a novice and have absolutely no idea about this.

Warm Regards,

There is no way I can cover all you need to know if you are going to keep an intact female.  Dogs owners are obligated to either get their dogs fixed, or do enough reading to give them proper care.  The first signs are changes in behavior, expect almost anything, I have heard of, but never had a Lab the  quit easting.  Mostly look for increased neediness, clinging, and above all, desperate, creative attempts to get loose.  Then the vulva swells and the messy, bloody discharge starts.  

The second and third weeks are when the most risk of accidental breeding is. Don't take this lightly. She will do anything to get loose and get to a male. Once loose, an accidental breeding and an unwanted litter is far from the worst that can happen. Such breedings can also result in fatal infections. She can get killed when she dashes heedlessly across the road in front of a car. Other dogs or coyotes may kill her.

You can expect the same thing about every 6 months for the rest of her life if you don't go ahead and get her spayed. There is no other answer, and no good reason not to. Besides saving the hassles, it reduces the chances of cancer later in life. Please make life easier for yourself, her, and society in general by getting her spayed now before she starts to show any signs.   Most vets won't do it once she starts.