Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > My lab puppy is gagging

My lab puppy is gagging

20 9:49:41

My 3 1\2 month old puupy threw up his dinner about 2 hours after eating it.  We gave hime some water, and he threw that up within a minute too.  Now he is involutarily making a sort of throw up reflex with his throat and body every few minutes.  He could not seem to get comfortable, and now he went into his crate to go to bed (EARLY-which is very unlike him).  Despite all the chew toys and things we have for him, he is clways getting things that he shoudn't in the backyard like sticks and things.  My fear is that he has a stick lodged in his throat.  
I'd like to avoid an unnecessary vet visit if possible, so I wondered if you could tell me what to look for if you think it is something serious that I should bring him to the vet.  I don't know if puppies get simple stomach viruses like we do.  
Any information would be helpful.  Thanks.

Dear Jamie,

I know you dont like vet visits, but I think its nessecary that you do. I dont want to alarm you but i think its a virus in the intestan and if not treated it can harm or kill a dog.  Please as soon as possible take him to the vet and have him checked for and intestan viruses. Good luck, I will pray that it's only a false alarm, tell me how it goes,