Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > when do femails have there first heat?

when do femails have there first heat?

20 9:43:48

i have a female chocolate lab,i am not sure how old she is the vet said a bit less then a year,i also have a male yellow lab.when will she have her first heat at what age? i wanted to know if it was ok to let them mate? and how will he know when to do it? and what color would there puppys be? will they stay the solid color's there parents are? and will she be able to hangel having puppys at a young age of one?i just want her to be healthy that is my 1# priority! we love her so much! if she where to get pregnet will she be able to  care for the babys? and how long do they stay pregnet? sorry i have lots to ask,please help me with answers.thank you

If she hasn't had her first heat, it could happen anytime.  Watch for a swelling vulva and flaky behavior.  Sudden major shedding is another sign.  She will be all too capable of becoming pregnant, but not ready for it.  Responsible people wait until the female is 2 years old.  Please read through the material at  Do you really think you can do what what it takes to do quality breeding?  Have you X-rayed the male?  Go to and see how many Labs are about to be slaughtered for lack of homes. Then see if you can have her spayed before she comes in heat.  Please go ahead and have him neutered now.