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10 month old labs and diet change/growth

20 9:34:24

I have two brother/sister 10 month old labs: the boy is a good 20 lbs heavier than his sister(he weighs 90lbs).

They both have a beautiful shiny coat and I feed them the Nutro Ultra large breed puppy dry food($50 for 30lb bag).

I am looking to reduce the cost of dog food and was wondering which dry dog food you would recommend and if you think there might be an impact on their coat.

Also, do you think the weight/height difference in siblings is a concern? Should I be feeding the girl wet food or some other supplement? She looks a healthy weight to us.


I would put them on adult Iams.  That is what they would be eating if they were part of many service dog programs.  How much you feed may be more important than what. Switching to an adult chow for the larger breeds at 4 months, slows growth and helps develop sturdier joints.

Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different. Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,

Males typically run larger than females.  Yours may be larger than the breed standards, but they show a difference.  

I am more familiar with dogs eating Pro Plan, but any of the common brands should be fine.  I am specifically suggesting Iams because it may have an edge on coat, and it is widely available at reasonable prices.  Last summer we were feeding it and could buy a 30 pound bag for $25 at Wal*Mart.  Although Nutro and other premium brands are strongly hyped, it is all speculation about the ingredients, hype, and junk science.