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Chocolate Lab eating schedule

20 9:41:19

We just got an 8 week old chocolate lab puppy.  I travel with my job and when I am not traveling he is going to stay with me during the day because I have a home office.  When I am traveling he will stay with my boyfriend and will be crated when he leaves for work and then let out at lunch time and then out of the crate until bedtime.  We were wondering the best way to feed him when he is going to be in the crate.  Should we just feed him the three times a day but have water in his crate for him? We just want to make sure we are doing the right thing for him.

Hello Lisa and thank you for your questions,

You can not leave kibble or water in his crate or he will pee/poop in it. Feed him in the morning before work so you have time to let him out afterwards, then crate him with a few safe toys and be off....he can drink when he gets out of the crate but dont leave water in it. At lunch let him out feed him then let him out again and do the same for dinner leave the water bowl fairly close to the crate or have one outdoors thats kept very clean as well(birds like to dive in them and poop in them!) so he an get water when going out of his crate so he isnt thursty because he simply couldnt find his water bowl.