Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > walks


20 9:48:12

we have a 10 week old lab and i put her on a leash at 8 weeks and let her walk me around the house.  At 9 weeks we took her on our usual route which is about a mile.  She did this walk twice and did fine.  Just a couple of days ago we went for a walk and she did not want to go.  

A mile maybe a little too far for now.  Try shorter walks and be ready to pick her up and carry her.  To get her moving, go out to the end of the leash and call her.  If that doesn't work, try running in baby steps.  If the area is safe to do so, just walk off and leave her.  The worst thing a puppy can imagine.  She should quickly come bounding after you.   

OH, be careful about letting her sniff other dogs droppings.  Shots may not take, and too easy to pick up disease that way.