Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > Aggression/biting


20 9:35:32

I have a 2 and a half month old black lab. How do I train him not to bite?  He usually listens when we tell him no,but if we touch him he tries to bite back very aggressively, I want to nip this thing in the butt before he gets too big.  What should I do?

It's the age, it's NOT aggression.  He's playing.  It's like saying a 6 month old child who pulls mommy's hair is being mean on purpose.  They have no clue.

You will just need to say NO BITE when he bites, and redirect his attention to an appropriate toy.  And if he just gets too wild and out of control, chances are he's just over stimulated and could use a nap in his crate or xpen.  You will need to be consistent about this and try to remain as unfrustrated as possible.