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Ear problems

20 9:32:25

My 2 year old dudley Lab has had a lot of ear infections....clears up when she is on medication and also no problems in the winter in Michigan.  Come spring, ears get bad.  She hates me when I clean them.  I switched her to lamb food last year but it did not help.  I hate to put her on steriods for fear of her getting diabetes.  I just think when she is on medication it masks the symptoms and does not get to the problem.  What should I do? Allergy tests?  She also gets pimples on her nose and around her mouth.

Ear infections typically are due to yeast, and yeast is typically due to intolerance of grain.  Look for a simple food with not alot of grains...eliminate wheat, corn, soy, barley.  California Natural Chicken and Rice or Lamb and Rice might be a good place to start.