Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > MY DOG SHAKING HIS HEAD


20 9:39:35

My Lab dog Buddee is male, he just turned 1 yr. old and is neutered.  He started shaking his head and I checked his ears and noticed his right ear is red and very sensitive when I tried to touch it.  I been cleaning his right ear tunnel and noticed brown wax. I been putting some triple antibiotic ointment in his ear and it gives him some relief for some hours or a day. But he still shakes his head and his ear is still red and very sensitive.  What home remedy can I use to cure his ear problem? Please advise, Help.

Thank you.

Smell the ear.  If it knocks you flat, it is infected and the only cure is antibiotics from the vet. Such infections are deep inside, well beyond your reach with the Triple Antibiotic.  If there isn't much odor, you could try coating the ear with an oil, baby oil, mineral oil, cooking oil, anything to coat and smother ear mites.

There are only a limited number of problems where home remedies will work.