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height of labrador

20 9:34:11

QUESTION: thanks ..
can you do onething?
do you have labrador pic which looks like my labrador??
when he will be of 16 or 15 month.
you can take help from my lab pic while comparing that i had given you.
actually i want to know how will my labra looks like in future?
i will be highly obliged if you send me:

and finally tell me that my larador will grow further or not after seeing the photo?
if you want more please tell me.

thanks you a lot...

ANSWER: I am sorry but I really don't have the picture you want.  Even if you do a good job managing your dog's body condition, the shape of his body will change.  He will be more rounded, his chest not as deep, but broader and more of a barrel shape.  As his growth levels off, you may need to cut back on what you are feeding him to maintain a good waist and belly tuck up.  He will also be slightly taller.  

As I explained, the ends of his leg bones can help tell how much more he will grow, but I really can't tell by the picture how much he may grow yet.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: so what should i feed him after he stop growing??
should i keep him continue with his eukanuba food after he grow levels off?
aur pedigree??

ANSWER: If you are feeding the Eukanuba Adult Maintenance or large breed Adult Maintenance you may continue it.  I don't think there is much difference in them.  An adult formula of the Pedigree likely would be fine too, but if he is doing well on the Eukanuba, I would stick to it.  You might look at a Senior formula when he is 10 years old.  

Today my Raven gets the last of her puppy food.  She will be 4 months Sunday and will be eating adult food.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what about royal canaine primiuim??

Those selling it will give reasons why it is better.  They will tell you all about the ingredients in the foods.  What they can't show you is proof it has any better nutrition than the Eukanuba, makes dogs grow larger, or be healthier.  There aren't any studies available to the general public comparing different brands of dog food.  I know the service dog schools have done some of their own testing.  They are using common brands including one of the largest, Canine Companions for Independance which feeds Eukanuba.  

Some sales people will tell you anything to sell their product.