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My labrador, Molly

20 9:33:25

Molly turned 15 years old on March,5.  We have had her since she was 3 months old and she is probably the smartest dog we have had.  My question is how much longer can we expect to have Molly with us.  She is very wobbly when she walks and kind of picks her back legs like a trot.  Our vet said that was just age and she isn't in any pain.  She has a huge appetite and always wags her tail.  I don't want her to suffer but it would be very hard to let her go. I hope you can give me some idea about her time with us.  Thanks!

Unfortunately, without knowing Molly personally, I cannot give you an answer.  As you may know, the typical lifespan for a lab is 12-14 years.  Having them live longer is common.  You are very lucky to have her to this age so far.  If her quality of life is still good...she can eat, move, play, potty, without too much problems she still has some time.  If she starts having problems with potty, like she can't stand long enough to go or loses control and goes in the house all the time, you may need to consider that her time is coming soon.  As she progresses, you'll have to search deep in your heart if you are keeping her around for you or if she is still enjoying life.  Granted her life isn't the same as when she was young, but the old-timers can still enjoy a nice nap in the sun and their meals.  

Our oldest is 9 and he seems to be an old 9...hopefully we can have him around for 6 more years too.  

Good luck.  This is never easy for us, and maybe you'll be lucky that her time will come naturally and she will go peacefully in her sleep. Until then, spoil her like a queen!