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Labmans ignorance

20 9:34:27

Quote =Labman ''Try reducing or adding more bedding''
Does the fact that you now mention bedding for a puppy mean you are at last starting to take notice of people who know so much more than you .I see you still advocate leaving a puppy without water and bedding..
You set a very bad example considering you call yourself an expert .  

Actually without you, I would never realized how ignorant people are and how may are stupid enough to put bedding and water in a crate with a puppy.  

You know, I am old enough to have watched people that knew everything there was to know at 17, were old fogies by 21, and have spent the last 60 years impeding progress.  I doubt the lot of you like Anthony Eden.  

Also, the moderators here don't tolerate harassment of people giving their time to share their experie4nce, training, and reading.  You next insulting question will be you last.  When it comes to being a moderator, Minniehaha is a disgrace.