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Feeding a Large Lab Puppy

20 9:38:51

I have a young lab (9 months old) that, to me, is over weight.  He is 85 pounds and seems to eat everything we put in front of him.  He has large features such as larger feet and large block head. His mother was 70 pounds and his dad was 95.  Should I begin restricting the food we give him now or wait until he is fully grown.  Either way, how much should we be feeding him and how often.  Also, I have been told we should not be giving him table scraps.  Is this correct?

Jack Webb

It is quite typical of Labs to be eager eaters.  This often leads to overweight as the owners try to fill them up.  Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different. Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,

If you are feeding a puppy chow, switch to an adult chow now.  Too much of too rich of a diet can lead to joint problems.  Table scraps only add to the problem plus the danger of pancreitis or other organ trouble.  Cut out the table scraps and if he is overweight as by the link above, cut back on his dog chow.  If you happen to be in to the vet's, have the vet confirm your judgment of his body condition.  the vet likely will agree, cut out the table scraps too.    

The 85 pounds may or may not be right for him.  Some Labs are just big boys.