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Weight of 6 mo. Labrador puppy

20 9:34:07

How much should a healthy 6 month old lab puppy weigh?

Unfortunately, there is not one definitive answer.  It depends on the sex, pedigree, style of lab and what the parents were like.  You can expect to see a pup of 6 months in the range of 40-60#.  My last pups (both boys) were about 60# at 6 months.  One of my girls from hunting lines was about 45# at 6 months.  

What you should pay attention to is if the dog has a waist when you look down on it.  You should be able to feel the ribs but not see any bones.  It ends up being more of understanding what a good weight for YOUR puppy is vs. how it compares to other dogs.  I have seen healthy adult males at 95# and some that look obese at that weight.