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black lab eats bunny

20 9:47:35

to answer your question, she's loose in a fenced in back yard. have discovered bunnies are under
the shed.

Followup To

Question -
our 22 month old black lab came to the back door
with a baby bunny in her mouth. then ate it.
i didn't think labs would do that.
its been about 14 hours since it happened. will
she hasn't thrown up or could she still throw up
because of it?
i"m assuming she'll do it again if she catches
another one. is it possible to break her of that

Answer -
That would be a tough project.  Labs, like other dogs share about 95% of their DNA with wolves.  A Lab, limited to the food that is good for it, will always be hungry.  Now that it has learned little furry snacks are available, stopping it will be almost impossible.  Best to limit her access to rabbits.  You aren't letting her run loose are you?

Years ago we had a mixed pet that caught and ate ADULT rabbits in our fenced yard.  We welcomed him protecting out garden.  You might try moth balls or something under the shed to encourage the rabbits to nest elsewhere.  You could also live trap them and relocate them.