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overly needy black lab

20 9:46:49

Hi there, I have a 4 year old black lab, who has gotten progressively more and more needy.  I am gone during the day at work.  I pay attention to her when I get home, give her love..etc.. but then she sits on the couch and barks at me to come back over to her, she has to constantly be on me or touching me at all times when I am home, she has to sit ON me when I am on the couch, even when I am in bed.  Is this typical lab behavior?  I don't have a moment to myself from the time I walk in the door until I go to bed.  What do you suggest?  Would a playmate help?  

Some Labs are just more needy than others.  I think they do become more needy as they get older.  I have had yearlings jump up and walk away if I petted them.  How much exercise is she getting?  A vigorous walk might be good for both of you, and then she might be content to settle down next to you for a nap.  A game of fetch getting her running and panting, anaerobic exercise, would be better yet.  

At her age, she may not appreciate sharing you with another dog.  Don't even think about a puppy.  At least start with an older dog, but I don't think that is the solution.