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electric fences

20 9:33:49

Our 18 month old lab has realized she can jump over our 3 foot brick wall in the back yard. (it's an old house and wall was here when we bought it). Do you have any experience with invisible fencing or the newer wireless, less expensive systems? A physical fence is out of our budget! thanks for your time.

I have no personal experience.  I do know others' experience varies.  

Perhaps it may depend on your dog. Some of invisible fences work, and work well. Four people on my block have them, and I have never seen any of their dogs running loose including the one young, unneutered male Lab. On the other hand, I know they won't work with some dogs. Some dogs are very determined to get loose, and aren't going to let a little shock stop them.

Is your dog careful to avoid anything where it got hurt? Is it creative and determined to do what it wants regardless of your corrections? Does it roam the neighborhood, or just stray into you neighbors yard? You know your dog, does it seem like a shock would stop it? Do you have a friend that might let you try their collar and fence?

This is one case where I would go with name brand quality. Many of the ones I see working have the little white flags with the Green IF logo. Maybe the dogs I see running loose with their radio collars escaped a $50 unit from Big Lots. Is your landscaping complete? Grading cuts the buried wires. How often is your dog home alone in a power outage?

I am sorry my answer is so full of questions, but it think you need to answer them to decide if the invisible fence will work for you. Many pet owners find them a very workable way of meeting their responsibility to restrain their dog. I hope my answer helps you choose a way to control your dog that works.