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my 10 week old lab

20 9:40:15

I have a ten week old lab bitch that I am having trouble getting to eat properly, when I picked her up the breeder that had her was feeding the whole litter on bread+milk! now I cannot get her to eat a  complete puppy food. after taking her to the vets for her jabs they suggested that I try a wet food, but yet again she will not eat, but she has no problems eating my ess,s working dog food, if I mix a bit of both together and slowly weening her of the working food will this do her any harm, or is there another course of action I can take

So much for my usual recommendation to continue what the breeder was feeding.  Maybe forget the puppy chow and let her have the working dog chow.  Puppy chow isn't that important, and in fact promotes excessively fast growth in large breeds at the expensive of sturdy joints.  The biggest problem I see is that the working dog chow is overly rich too.  You might compare the labels of the 2 chows.  If they are close, spare yourself the hassle of 2 different chows in the house.  

Besides a less rich diet, it is important to keep large breed puppies lean, see