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choclate eating

20 9:49:21

My black lab ate a whole bucket of Halloween candy that was 85% chocolate. Including all the wrappers but 2 mimi tootsieroll wrappers.It was completely wiped out. She is very old also. What can I do to help her so she doesn't get sick. Because everyone says choclate is like poison to dogs and it probably isn't too good for her to eat a whole bucket of it then, is it? She has been through to much to get sick from her just being  notty and wanting something to eat.:( help!

                    -Cailley and Fins  

Put in a call to your vet's after office hours service.  If no other number is listed, try the regular number.  My vet's forwards to a paging service.  

Make the dog vomit.  Syrup of Ipec or a table spoon of peroxide should do it.  

By the time you read this, the time to do much yourself may be too late.  She may be very sick, already throwing up and diarrhea, or be OK.  Fortunately it takes a one time massive dose of chocolate to hurt a dog.  Still you description is scary.  

The sneaky thing about chocolate is that it is accumulative.  The dog that was regularly eating a little, suddenly gets sick and dies one day.