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when to separate male and female??

20 9:45:32

i have a female lab that is a year and a half and a male that is almost a year....the female i am almost positive is pregnant?  has about  8 nipples underneath and was wondering when to separate my male so he does not eat the puppies or hurt them???  he whines when she is not around him, do u think he will be worse without her???

Hello. The male dog normaly wouldnt hurt the puppies i have yet to hear of the father hurting his sisters yorkie just had pups and the father of the litter a tiny chihuahua is allowed near the babies he doesnt bother with them and mainly stands back and looks. i would let the mother have her puppies to her self in a box/crate and you cna let the male visit but I wouldnt persoanly leave the male with her when your not home....just incase.