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1 yr old labs behaviour

20 9:46:23

Hi, I got this 1 year old male lab 2 months back from my boyfriend. Till now the dog was staying at his place with other lab dogs(parent dogs,infact).And he has come to stay with me for 3-4 months. I stay alone and goto work during day time.
When the lab came to me, he had a not so JUMPING nature. He never used to bark at noises and people. But after staying at my place, he has stated behaving like a teenager-always demanding attention and always wanting to play with me. And if I don't pay heed, he starts barking endlessly.
Also, he absolutely does not like my maid who comes in morning to clean the house.Till the time she is in house,the dog barks like mad and becomes normal after she is gone.The maid never interacts with dog and she keeps to herself and routine work only.
His this baviour is driving me nuts and even I get frustrated at time. Is this a problem with my handling him? And will he return to his normal self once he goes back? Need your help.Thanks.

He sees the change as being for the worst.  Before he had the company of his parents living the natural life of a dog in a pack plus whatever attention from your boyfriend.  It is not natural for a dog to spend all day by its self.  Ones that start out the way as puppies adjust, but at a year old, may be slower to do so.  I suspect when he returns to his old life, he will quickly settle down.  

In the meantime, consider doggy day care if it is available.  He would enjoy the supervised socialization with other dogs.  The maid would enjoy the quiet.