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2 yr old Lab always breaks leash

20 9:38:46

Hello, I have a 2 yr and 5 months old yellow male Labrador. By nature he is a very active and jumpy dog. I am facing a constant problem with him. Whenever I leave him alone at home for 2-3 hrs, he chews up things. If I leash him, he breaks the leash no matter of what material the leash is made of. I have tried cotton, nylon, metal chains etc to leash him- but every time it is broken when I come home. Since I live alone with my dog- its not possible for me to always keep an eye on him, though I never leave him alone for more than 2-3 hrs at a stretch. I am very exhausted now and really really need your help. Please suggest as what to do.


Perhaps you need to look at the hardware store and not the pet store.  Not only do they have heavier chain, but heavier ends.  Look at their selection and see what you think would work.  Some of the things don't work like dog leash snaps, but are easy to use and stronger.  

A crate might work too, either a wire one or a plastic one, but some dogs destroy them too.  

Try filling a Kong with peanut butter and freezing it.  He could be too busy licking it out to try to get loose, and then fall asleep.  

One other thing is if one is available where you are, leave him at a doggy day care.  He can enjoy the day there, tire himself out, and be calmer when you get home.