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puppy weight (feeding requirements)

20 9:47:42

I have a 17 week old black lab I was told her father  was 1/2 blue tck hound (about 100lbs) and the mother 100% lab (about 55lbs).  She is about 36 lbs looks all lab has a healthy appetite (understatement) and according to my vet not under or over weight.  We have a good long walk just about every day and about once a week she gets to wrestle with other dogs.  She is active and has a ton of energy.  I am letting her eat as much as she wants (Science Diet puppy-large breed)and have read that you need to keep them on a schedule in regards to feeding.  Should I limit her intake of food or only allow her to eat at certain times?  Aproximately how big is she going to be? and If I limit her intake of food will I stunt her growth (somthing I do not want to do)?

Thank you for your help.

Hello James and thank you for your question, That type of dog would have alot of energy for sure and a great hunting dog as well. Back to the point she is fine eating as much as she wants this is what I do with my older dogs since my puppy is on puppy food and they are not she isnt free fed but is offered food ever two/four hours to be sure shes eating well. Free feeding wouldnt be on any bag or can's guidelines as free feeding is offen frowned apon because dogs tend to get fat on this type of feeding shedual but puupies rarely get over weight, If your free feeding her just be sure to change puppy food to adult food at 12/14 months of age(larger dogs takelonger to fully develop inside and out) and she shouldnt become over weight as long as she is exercised offen. If later on she starts to put on weight and you still would like to free feed(some dogs will not eat meals at the time they are offered) put her on over weight food thats what my older dogs are ion and they are maintaining well. As for how big she'll get even in pure bred lavbbs its hard to judge there adult size, If her papa is 100 and mama is 55 pounds since she is already 36 pounds at only 17 weeks(just over four months) I'll say she will easily get 55/65 pounds.

I hope this helps if you need any more info or help with anything else feel free to ask, thanks.