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Crossbreeding dogs

20 9:46:22


I have a male Retriever, a male Japanese Spitz (eskimo-like), and a female dachsund.

It's my first time to own a female dog, and so I'm wondering... what would the offspring puppies look like if my Retriever or my Spitz mates with the dachsund.

In the first place, is that mechanically or physiologically possible?  If so, are there resources on the Internet where
I can find pictures of such crossbreeds?  

I also noticed my Dachsund seems to be influencing my Spitz.  When my dachsund came along, my Spitz began mimicking her and doing things like: 1) digging holes in the ground (soil), 2) climbing up the couch/sofa or dining chair/table, 3) licking me in the hands and face.   

Is this behavioral influence a breed thing? An age thing (older mimics younger)? A sex thing (male imitates female)?



P.S. In spite of the occasional hassles, I still love my dogs very much!!!  =)

The only thing I can dout on the subject is why make mutt dogs? have you seem the spcas/pounds/shelters adn strays? all because people breed irrsponsably and now the dogs are left battered/abuses/abondened or put to sleep...can you rest at night knowing your puppies might be running loose starving? found and placed ina  shelter and put to sleep because noone wants an older dog or a mutt? unless you plan to keep the cross puppies which could be 8 or more dont breed this mix of mutts its for the good of teh dog cumunity.