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dear labmanim having some...

20 9:48:36

dear labman
im having some problems with my 6 months female lab:
-she obeys in the house,while outside she doesnt,specialy when i unleash her she doesnt listen to me,and run to the garbage,pick up dirty food and  runaway from me,which its forbidden and that takes lot of time to make her come back.
-she get too much distracted while eating,and peeing or shitting,she even cutt it out if she heard the wind or saw a bug in the long far.
-she is too hyper after doing her toilet
-she lies by alerting me,that she wanna do her toilet,just to go out and chase the cats to play with,while they try to hurt her.
i tried with ddnt help much
plz help and thank u.

The dirty little secret is that many Labs are more difficult to manage than many other breeds.  Some of the people writing books have never really dealt with a difficult dog.  Naturally what works in the books may not with a Lab.  Not that there aren't some very easy to train Labs.  Have you had her spayed?  Most vets like to do it at about 6 months.  Put it off very long, and she may start to come into season.  If you are struggling now, wait until her hormones start doing all her thinking.  Count on unbelievable strenuous, creative attempts get loose.  I had one break her chain and get killed.  

Relying on come to control most dogs loose outside is risky, and I do not
recommend it.  Dogs are individuals.  Some can be trained to come when you have
no way to enforce it, but some will never be completely reliable even for the
most experienced trainers.

Consider fencing the yard, either a conventional fence or the electronic ones.
A tether is fine for short relief breaks with exercise coming from long walks
on leash or in controlled areas like a dog park. Just letting a dog run loose in a residential area is not acceptable. Never let it foul somebody else's yard.  You can pick up a sturdy cable for about $15 with a spring on one end to take up shock.  Fasten one end to a solid anchor allowing you to reach the other end from a door of the house.  You can easily put her out.  Some Labs will quietly spend hours out on their tether, while other will bark if not brought in soon after relieving themselves.  I used nothing but a tether for years.  I now have part of the back yard fenced.  I still use the tether in the front yard when I am working out there.