Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > Joints


20 9:49:36

My labrador is 12 years old and is taking Zubrin on a continuous basis for his joints - back legs being the main problem.  He also has a problem with muscle control in his throat (I can't remember what it's called, but he makes quite a noise when he's breathing which, according to the vet, is more stressful to me than him).  I know they don't last for ever, but what would be the expected life span for a dog with these problems?  I want to keep him as long as possible, but want him to have a value to his life (which he seems to have at the moment, albeit at a much slower pace).  Thanks.

Dear Carol,

I would say your dog would live about another 2 years. Labs usually live up to 15, thats if they are healthy and have no problems, So the slowness that is accuring is also because of his old age. So yes, I'd say up to 2 more years,I hope that he gets well, and the both of you live a long and happy life,